July 6, 2012

Early Season Honey

Early season honey.  I took a few frames of honey off the hive before the clover came in.

June 28, 2012

Ganim's Ladies Night!

Join us for this FREE event.  All local businesses that will help benefit the Connecticut Humane Society.  FREE admission, however, you must register in advance. 

June 8, 2012

Fundraiser for Service Dog Event

Hi Bee Girl Fans,

We will be in Fairfield tomorrow, Saturday, June 9, 2012 to raise funds for a family who need a service dog for their son.  Below you will find the information on our location.  Hope to see you there.

Masonic Temple, 
131 Beach Road, Fairfield.
12-5, $5 entry fee, vendors, multiple raffle items, face painting, chair massaged, and food.

Tables are provided for vendors. You need to bring a table cloth, signage, and all your materials. I will be there at 10am for set up.

We are raising money for a little boy to receive a guardian angel service dog through Warren Retrievers.


April 7, 2012

Grand Opening Vendor Blender

Spring is here and with it comes a host of events for us. Lots of great Cash & Carry items on hand for Mother's Day shopping, and we will have fabulous raffle items available too!

Join us for an exciting shopping event we are hosting to launch our NEW office space in Trumbull, CT. There will be 10 to 12 FABULOUS vendors on hand to make it a really great shopping experience for everyone.

April 28, 2012
Trumbull Corporate Drive Office Park
100 Corporate Drive
Unit A101
Trumbull, CT 06611

12 pm - 4 pm

March 16, 2012

Boo Hoo! No Wooster Square Farmer's Market This Year!

Just a quick update! I received word that the Wooster Square Farmer's Market in New Haven will not be hosting any bodycare vendors this year at their market. If you would like to order your soap for the coming year, you may do so by emailing us at beegirlsoaps@gmail.com.

Thank you

Christine, Lindsay and Jacky